Can I credit my VeraCash account from an account outside France?

Yes, but your VeraCash account must be credited in euro.

This does not, however, prevent you from crediting your account by bank card or bank transfer from an account outside France, so long as that account is in your name.

If you are a French tax resident, you must send us the acknowledgement of your Cerfa 3916, called "Declaration by a resident of an account opened outside France" to justify the addition of a RIB registered abroad on your VeraCash account.

Need help to find it? There are two possible scenarios:

  • This account appears on your last tax return.

Your acknowledgement of the Cerfa 3916 "Declaration by a resident of an account opened outside France" can be found in your personal tax area.

Go to the website and follow this path:

Dashboard ➡️ Documents ➡️ 2022 ➡️ View related documents ➡️ View PDF

Download the PDF and send it to us at

  • This account does not yet appear on your last tax return.

We will need a handwritten declaration of your commitment to declare this account opened outside France on your next tax return. 

Please scan this handwritten certificate and send it at