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Help Centre
My transactions
My operations
Getting started on Veracash
Open an account
Order and activate the debit card
My purchases
How to buy on Veracash?
Buy Gold
Buy Silver
My payment card
Manage my limits
Manage my card
Block my card
Contactless payment
My transactions
Irregularities and incidents
My operations
Veracash transfers
My realised gains or losses
Manage my account
Sign in
My settings
Update my account
Account closure
EUR holding account
Learn more
Youth account
Business account
Custody of precious metals
In case of crisis
Account security
My transactions
View your transaction history, report incidents or irregularities.
Irregularities and incidents
What is oxidation and how can I avoid it?
Why can’t I make a payment or withdrawal using my Veracash card?
I don’t recognize one or more transactions in my history. What do I do?
I entered my password when making a payment with my VeraCash card, but it didn’t work.
My operations
How do I make a transfer to my bank account from my VeraCash account?
How do I view my transaction history?
How do I view my invoices and statements?
Can I use my VeraCash card to make a purchase by phone?
Why do I need to provide proof of the source of my funds when transferring more than €10,000?
Can I change the distribution of my debits?
See more
Veracash transfers
What are the limits on sending/transferring Veracash?
How do I send precious metals to someone?
My realised gains or losses
How do I find the realised gains or losses I have made on my sales?
What is the FIFO system?